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прогноз типа аденокарциномы при hd и nbi яковенко 2016
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автореферат анестезиологическое сопровождение габитов мв
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doubleballoon endoscopy 2006
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manual for gi endoscopic nurses
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atlas de endoscopia gastrointestinal 2008
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atlas of endoscopy with narrow band imaging
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endoscopy in inflammatory bowel disease 2015
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practical gi endoscopy cotton 7th edition 2014
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advanced digestive endoscopy practice and safety edited by peter b cotton
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grading and staging in gastroenterology 1st 2008
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endoscopic followup of digestive anastomosis 2014
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gastrointestinal endoscopy in the cancer patient 2013
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successful training in gastrointestinal endoscopy 2011
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clinical gastrointestinal endoscopy a comprehensive atlas 2014
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esophageal diseases an atlas of investigation and management
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practical gastrointestinal endoscopy the fundamentals 5th ed
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practical gastrointestinal endoscopy the fundamentals 6th ed
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this atlas featuring a wealth of highquality images therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy comprehensive it has been over half century since was introduced then the science endoscopic technique improved so dramatically that procedures which we have only dreamed are now possible new breakthroughs in minimally invasive such as resection hemostasis and dilation strictures well natural orifi ce transluminal surgery reduced need for surgical interventions however success depends on expertise experience...
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gastrointestinal cancer atlas for endoscopic therapy mar 2009
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practical pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy gershman ament 2007
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comprehensive atlas of high resolution endoscopy and narrowband imaging 2007
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interventional and therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy frontiers of research
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early neoplasias of the gastrointestinal tract 2014 endoscopic diagnosis and theutic decisions
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